Hipster Runoff
Last week, there was a little discussion on Gaw's blog concerning Hipsters and their moustachioed brethren. For those of you that haven't heard of it, one of the best satirical blogs on the net is Hipster Runoff - a deadpan, 100% accurate skewering of the vacuousness and slavish technological brand-adherance of the modern young adult. It requires pretty good knowledge of new music and technology/internet memes, but I thoroughly recommend it, especially the recent look at the Haiti disaster
'It seems difficult for consumers to believe that artists are genuinely interested in helping a cause. Their role in the modern pop culture blogosphere is to evolve into trainwrecks + make questionable statements or life decisions..They are only really useful to consumers as people who make mp3s + newsbits for us to consume.
Wish ppl could understand that I’m not selfish, just trying to manage my emotional capital without getting all bummed out. Just wish more social media sharing + personal branding tools were around during 9-11 and Janet Jackson Nipplegate so that I would have had a modern outlet to talk about a critical moment in my social formation. Jealous of tweens for getting to grow up on high speed internet loaded with rich, streaming content.'