More Dandelions

Gaw in his post on dandelions, and Nige via his post on daisies, both manage to allow the spectre of flower racism to rear its ugly head, by suggesting that the Dandelion, with its reputation for making children wet the bed, may be a 'lower class' plant in need of extermination, lynch mobs, agent orange etc

Well, I do actually agree with them, but just to redress the balance of the argument in favour of our little leonine chums, here's a picture I took of a field in the peak district this spring which shows that outside of the garden and in profusion, they can sometimes become a beautiful feature of the landscape in their own right.


Gareth Williams said...

They do look lovely. But only if you forget they're dandelions. Great chunks of stone too.

BTW I like this photograph but it's surely only relatively recently that a photograph of 'nothing' - an 'empty' field - would have intrinsic interest. A bit like the romantics being the first people to climb a mountain to see the view, we've undergone a change in perspective...

worm said...

but its not empty is it? Its full of flowers! (more than a normal field)

and your right - a quick look through flickr these days will show you that photography is fully post modernist at the moment, with many people taking and looking at blurry photos of nothing at all, as long as the perspective, balance and colour are deemed appropriate, it's considered as good & valid a picture as any other

actually, the other unseen half of the photograph contains my girlfriend sitting on the wall in a suggestive pose, I thought I'd leave that out.

Brit said...

Yes, there's nothing more annoying than girls posing suggestively when you're tying to take pictures of empty fields.

worm said...

exactly brit! my thoughts entirely. Imagine my disgust when I purchased a dvd from a local emporium called 'Animal Farm' and found out that all the footage of fields and cow sheds was obstructed by swedish people having sex with animals.
