Unbeleivable !

I must confess that in my daily rambles around the web, there is often the chance that I perform my spelling and punctuation duties in a rather slapdash fashion. However, one of my many failings is that I am quite good at spotting the mistakes of others, and it is a rare event that I don't find at least two or three spelling mistakes in every book that I read.

I purchased this Penguin Modern Classics version of Lolita on Saturday - it's a book that I have never read, and so upon seeing it I snapped it up. When I got it home and put it on my shelf, something about it seemed odd.

One thing you would think is that people working at Penguin would be pretty tight on proof reading, especially when it comes to their front covers... I wonder if the person responsible for this ever got found out, and if they did, were they fired? Have any of my readers ever seen a typo incident worse than this?


Gareth Williams said...

Unbelievable - there's no other word for it.

Brit said...

Shokcer of a tpyo!

zmkc said...

Could one possibly argue that there was conflict among Penguin editors about how to transliterate the name from Russian? Or possibly that Penguin has started employing penguins as editors, rather than humans, in the name of fair practice?

Gadjo Dilo said...

I, like you, can't turn my internal spell-checker off when it comes to other people's verbiage but am a regular little trend-setter when it comes to creating new spellings of my own :-)

LOL-ita - a new edition of the novel for the mobile phone generation.

worm said...

zmkc - I believe your hypothesis is correct, and that lunch in the editors office consists of a bucket of frozen pilchards..

Gadjo - freestyle spelling! It's the futur!

Susan said...

Curiously amusing - or unfortunate..