- Susan said...
From the ridiculous to the sublime, worm! I'd much rather drink up Whistler's painterly prose and learn about his hidden talents than divulge the secret pleasures of the 'Babycham days'. I'm curious to know what else contributed to his 'knowledge of a lifetime', so please reveal the title of this book..
15 May 2010 at 08:12
- worm said...
The title is in the title! Its a book from 1940 by Robert Gibbings, and very pleasant bedtime reading indeed! Although I've finished it now, and am reading another fishing/river-themed book which is very good - it's called 'Blood Knots' by Luke Jennings -
'More than simply a memoir of angling, it is in fact a book about history and war, about affection and loss, memory and place. Written in precise, beautiful language... it is in the finest traditions of both nature and memoir writing - in short, it is a classic - a book that will be read for a long time, and treasured.' -
15 May 2010 at 08:30
- Gareth Williams said...
Apologies if you know this but Whistler's comment came during his prosecution of a libel suit against Ruskin. The offending comment:
“For Mr. Whistler’s own sake, no less than for the protection of the purchaser, Sir Coutts Lindsay [of the Royal Academy] ought not to have admitted works into the gallery in which the ill-educated conceit of the artist so nearly approached the aspect of wilful imposture. I have seen, and heard, much of Cockney impudence before now; but never expected to hear a coxcomb ask two hundred guineas for flinging a pot of paint in the public’s face.”
Whistler won but was awarded only a farthing in damages and no costs.
Here's the painting (of fireworks): http://www.artmagick.com/pictures/picture.aspx?id=6662&name=nocture-in-black-and-gold-the-falling-rocket -
15 May 2010 at 11:12
- worm said...
Gaw, that's excellent! thankyou for sharing, particularly as it contains genuine usage of the 'coxcomb' as an insult! Love it!
15 May 2010 at 13:01