Road rage

I have decided that the world can be grouped into two kinds of people.

Those who just go to the petrol station, quickly fill up, pay and leave.

And those who go to the petrol station, ease themselves slowly out of the car, slowly put on a little pair of plastic gloves and then fill up their tank until it's overflowing (by squeezing the pump in little bursts for ages, ooh Freud would have a field day) and then slowly screwing on the cap, removing the gloves, reaching back into their car for their wallet. Ambling across the forecourt and then mooching round the shop for a while deciding which chocolate bar to have, before finally paying and slowly wandering back out to their car, where they get back in and check their teeth in the rear view mirror and have a little conversation with their passenger before driving off.


Gareth Williams said...

Absolute swines. They probably take the nearest pump rather than pulling across to the furthest meaning the next person has to manoeuvre around them. And I bet on the motorway they don't pull over, blocking the overtaking lane even though there's no traffic to their left. And more than likely they put their fog lights on when it's raining and dazzle everyone behind them. And..

worm said...

damn right Gaw, and they probably don't indicate at roundabouts either

Gareth Williams said...

Oops. I don't indicate at roundabouts. We are all guilty in some way..

zmkc said...

Carry a gun. It's the only way these people will learn.

Brit said...

I hate tailgaters most though. They're always either twats in BMWs or boy racers who do it on purpose, or women with no spatial awareness who have no idea they're doing it at all.

Gaw - change your roundabout ways at once.

worm said...

yes Gaw, please - if only because I enjoy pointing these non-indicating drivers out to my wife, and making emphasis of the fact that they are always women. If you were to be coming the other way and not indicate, you would ruin my pathetic little battle of the sexes

worm said...

brit - if tailgaters annoy you, you should avoid driving in Germany at all costs - on the autobahn it's perfectly normal behavior to tailgate someone at 125mph. The standard distance between cars driving in the cities is probably less than 2 metres. I suppose it's related to insecurity

Gareth Williams said...

Brit, perhaps you're being tailgated because you're in one of the overtaking lanes* and you should have pulled over? I know that's the reason I tailgate - d'oh!

What I find unacceptable at roundabouts are those many drivers who indicate once using their right indicator and then don't bother using their left so when they swing over to leave the roundabout you're surprised and then, of course, rendered speechless with rage.

*There are two overtaking lanes and one cruising lane not as is often believed self-defined slow, medium and fast lanes.

Brit said...

Like everyone, I am the only perfect driver.

worm said...

me too brit. I think they should make a documentary of my driving skills and show it to everyone else in the world.

Kevin Musgrove said...

Don't they still have a chap in a stained white apron who comes out and fills the tank for you? I'm sure that's what happened the last time I was driven to a petrol station (mind you, it was in Shropshire).