Rory Sutherland

I've just read an excellent blog post written by the chap above, he's called Rory Sutherland, he's Vice Chairman at Ogilvy and he's a very clever chap, a good writer (column in The Spectator) and public speaker. He's kind of old-school yet very new school. A nige-style retro-progressive if you will. And as a bonus, here's a quite fun TED talk he did in the summer:


Gareth Williams said...

Thanks worm. I'm always highly impressed with his Wiki-man pieces in the Spectator. I shall watch with interest.

Gareth Williams said...

Stimulating talk. Very funny too. And wasn't he wearing a cravat? What a hero.

worm said...

I thought you would like it!

you are right, there is indeed a cravat in action - what could be better than a man talking about futurism and technology whilst unironically wearing a tweed jacket and a cravat?

Gareth Williams said...

He also has all the hallmarks of one of advertising bon viveurs, and they really are world beaters, as I'm sure you know!

Word verification today is 'prosm', an involunatary movement that inadvertently fulfils a useful function.

"Whilst sitting on the edge of the bed he was seized by a prosm, which jerked him forward, forcing his foot into the illusive trouser leg".

worm said...

The bon viveurs are a rare breed indeed these days!

you've now set me off wondering if I have ever actually experienced a real prosm or not

Gareth Williams said...

I worked very briefly at Yellowhammer, a trendy ad agency, right at the end of the '80s. I remember the directors being picked up by helicopter, which would take them from the Oxford Street offices to their lunch venue, and coming back incapably coked and pissed. They went bust about a year or two later.

worm said...

'yellowhammer' -even the name evokes men in porsches and ponytails