- Brit said...
Very wise. Take all the holidays you can... especially with the way you're hintingly suggestingly talking re the possibility of offspring.
4 September 2009 at 04:45
- worm said...
well i'm 'hintingly suggestingly' mentioning it because i've yet to be fully convinced of the benefits...of course the girlfriend is full steam ahead...fighting a rearguard action here...fear its not long now until the defences are breeched
4 September 2009 at 05:01
- Brit said...
Do it man, or you'll ultimately end up old and alone. That's the unanswerable argument, in the end.
4 September 2009 at 05:19
- worm said...
fair do's!
i'd better get on with it then.
perhaps I should grow a beard. might make me feel more 'daddish' -
4 September 2009 at 05:40
- Gareth Williams said...
I had one of the best long weekends (made longer by not sleeping much) of my life in Ibiza - please let us know all about your trip so we can enjoy a bit of vicarious hedonism.
12 September 2009 at 13:54